How I haven't posted this yet I have no idea! The 2021 Holiday Mini Sessions were and absolute BLAST! Everyone was so fun to work with and I got some amazing shots of each family!

It was a beautiful day, we couldn't have asked for better weather! Sunny and mid 50s! Yes, I would have loved for a bit of snow, but this was no one was shivering, so it turned out for the best.

My favorite part about the day hands down were the littles of each family. So much spunk and personality in such tiny humans! They were absolutely adorable and so much fun to work with.

These shoots just made me so much more excited for my 2022 Mini session dates which will be released in February! I have FOURTEEN dates scheduled from Milwaukee all the way up to Door County throughout the year! If you want early access to those dates, join my email list to gain access a whole month before everyone else!