Senior pictures, almost a right of passage for your senior year of high school!
Pictures you will have forever, and will look back on when your 30 and no one wants to think what the heck was I thinking! I thought I should give you some suggestions to hopefully prevent that what the heck moment 12-13 years from now.
Plan out several outfits. Even if your session only has one or two outfit changes, still bring multiple so that once we arrive on location we can decide what outfits will look best with the backgrounds we have available. Bring anything from prom dresses to sports uniforms and everything in between. It is always better to have too many options then not enough! And don't forget about accessories! Shoes, jewelry, hair accessories, etc.

Give consideration to the color of your outfits. Solid colors are usually a good option. Darker colors tend to make people look slimmer. Pay attention to your skin tone, you don't want to look washed out, so if you have a lighter skin tone stay away from lighter pinks or white as they could dominate the picture. Consider colors the complement the season you are taking the pictures in.
Keep clothing visually simple. Keep designs, words, stripes, pictures, etc. to a minimum. Again solid colors are usually a good option. An exception to this is school logos. We want YOU and your face and eyes to be the attention of the picture, not the graphic logo on your shirt.
Consider your best features when selecting clothing. We all know what we feel most confident in, so go towards outfits that give you that feeling. Don't select something just because it's in style and what you think you should be wearing. Go for outfits that make you think dang I look good!
DO NOT try out new make up or hairstyles the day of your session. Just please do not do it. Trust me. I know it is tempting, trust me I thought the same thing when I got my senior pictures done, but when you get your pictures back you could very well go "who the heck is that?". Again we want you to feel like YOU and feel confident. Apply make up as you normally would on a day to day basis, but bring your make up bag along in case we need to do any touch ups. Avoid anything with glitter or sparkle as it will reflect light in weird ways that aren't flattering and avoid lipgloss as it can make your lips look like you're drooling.
Same goes with your hair. The point of senior pictures is to remember you as you looked RIGHT NOW, not how you thought you should look. So make sure your hairstyle is a normal style you would use or something you've at least practiced a few times prior to your session. Get a haircut at least a week in advance to give your hair a chance to adjust and look natural.
Guys need a fresh shave. Trim it up gentlemen.
Do not worry about breakouts. Blemishes or bruises are okay, talk to me about retouching options! We can work through it!

Don't worry about your braces. Most people have had them, they are part of you! They don't need to be hidden or avoided. If they really bother you we can try to schedule your session around when you are getting them off or talk to your orthodontist about removing your wire and editing out your brackets.
Don't overdo the tan. I understand if you want to have that nice post vacation glow, but it could go overboard. If you are getting a spray tan try to get it at least 3 days in advance so it has time to even out in to a more natural color. If you are laying outside or using a tanning bed be careful you don't burn so you don't have a red face or worse peeling skin!
Think about your hands. They will show up in your pictures, think about getting a manicure or at least trimming up those nails!

Think about props. Do you play an instrument or a sport? Is there something that means a lot to you like a pet or a hobby? Talk to me about them and you can bring them along so we can incorporate them in to your shoot!
Bring a wingman (or woman!). Having someone you know around usually helps you relax and feel comfortable. Make it someone who knows you well so they can double check your hair or clothing and the fine details so they are just how you would like them!
Do your research about your photographer. Would I love you to book your session with me? Of course! Do I want you to book your session with me if you don't feel a personal connection with my work? No! You should look through multiple photographers to find the one that "speaks to you" as corny as that sounds. Each photographer has a different style. For me that is intentional and genuine, more raw candid type photos. Some photographers do major editing with cool lights and posted pictures and that is great! It just isn't me! So if thats what you are looking for, that is okay! If you need recommendations I am happy to point you in the direction of some other photographers that might be a better fit! Please don't be shy with me. Ask questions, put me on the spot! I want to make sure we are on the same page for your photos so we can make you look and feel your best!
Practice faces and poses at home. It sounds silly but watch yourself in the mirror to see what you like best. If you don't like the way your face looks from an angle, let me know and we can work through poses that do not capture that position of you! Again, confidence is key, you should look back on these photos and think danggggggg I look good!
Senior pictures are a big deal! They are ever evolving in to bigger and better sessions as well. If you have a crazy idea you want to try for your session let me know and we can see if we can make it happen! As long as you feel confident and happy then I feel AMAZING! So lets create something beautiful together!
